Fox Park Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Corresponding Secretary
Assistant Corresponding Secretary
Recording Secretary
Sergeant at Arms
Past President
Open: at the October General Meeting
Close: 10 working days after the October General Meeting
- You must be a member by September 30th to run for a board position
- Nominations for all offices, except Past President, can be made from the floor by members in good standing at the October General Meeting
- Nominations may also be made in writing to the Elections Committee Chair for a period of 10 working days following the adjournment of the October meeting
- You may self-nominate and no second shall be required for nomination
- No member may accept a nomination for more than one office for any given year
Elections Chair
During the October meeting a Chair of the Elections Committee will be selected.
All write-in nominations shall be directed to the Elections Chair at or postmarked by 10 working days following the close of the October meeting and mailed to:
Elections Chair
P.O. Box 58718
St. Louis, MO 63104-2351
Elections take place at the November General Meeting. Elections follow the guidelines found in Robert’s Rules of Order.